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Key Design Considerations

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Responding to York’s heritage and established style.

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Conservation area and listed buildings on Tanner’s Moat.

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Skyline and street scene.

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Multiple access points on Rougier Street and Tanner’s Moat.

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Pedestrian access points from Rougier Street and Tanner’s Moat.

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Potential for a sense of arrival from Rougier Street.

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Floor levels mitigate flood risk.

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Incorporate Dakota Hotels’ strong architectural identity.

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Maximise views across the city.

View North West along Rougier Street View North West along Rougier Street
View South West from Lendal Bridge View South West from Lendal Bridge
View from the City Walls View from the City Walls
North East View from Rougier Street North East View from Rougier Street